
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord (武天) Bo Tien. The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affliliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Never mind if not yet saint

Learning Point No 310

There is too much hype on need to be enlightened and be a saint. But how many can do so in this life time. The thought of being far off from the mark can be a let down and can be the very reason why many feel down cast and let down by religion. 

It is the same old story that the process of learning and improving may be more important than the end result. 

Are we learning in our moment to moment life? Are we more at peace with life moment by moment? For goodness sake, what do we tell ourselves if we are at times and not at times. 

Well, we must tell ourselves that this is the nature of being part of this world of ups and downs, of yin and yang. Whilst we may not be at peace for all moments, the important thing is that we are able to be at peace some of the moments and we are making it more than before. We need to learn to be better and that is what counts. 

So it is immaterial if we are not yet saints but what matters is that we are making progress by the moment and by the day and that we are not regressing or backsliding. 

We must learn from life and that is what saints like Lord Bo Tien want us to do. Learn from our own life and that of others both the pluses and minuses. 

Lord  Bo Tien

Be at peace with both that is the yin and yang of our life. No guilt, fear or pride for these will rob us off any peace we can have. 

That is it. Go for more of peace, not go for nothing or everything and do not go for the ultimate for if we can make one step more every now and then, that is good enough. That is life that we should go for. 

Never mind if we are not yet saint. Never mind if we cannot abide by dogmas and rules of religious convention of the day. Ji Gong did just that. He heck care about conventions and putting up the act.

Ji Gong

What matters is we are true at heart and can make progress. Ji Gong said that "what matters is what goes through the heart and not what goes through the gut "or what one does. 

Never mind if we are not yet saints. More important is to be true to self and we must have the heart to do so. Ji Gong did that even though he was a reborn or reincarnated saint. He was already a saint in his past  lives. 

Omitofo ever more....

Omitofo - Amitabha

The vow of Amitabha is that he will help all and we don't have to be saint here and now to be worthy of his help. Even if we are far from being a saint, all we need is to have the heart to do so one day but what matters is to make little progress, a little decimal step every now and then towards the peace of life in our moment to moment life. That would make life somewhat momentous as well. Never mind if we are far from being saint. 

Lord Bo Tien reiterated that the far can be near and the near can be far. This applies to many aspects of life and sainthood is one of them. Ironically, the few who are near sainthood may even think they are far and the many who think they are near may in reality be far. This may be the modern day version of the gentiles compared to the pharisees, terms alluded to in King James version of the Christian Bible

God and the saints

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