
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord (武天) Bo Tien. The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affliliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The green green grass of home

Learning Point No 374

There is more to life at home than we think. We always prefer the home away from home. We envy what others have. We want to live away from parents and want to strike it out alone. 

We give up a stable job and go for a new one. Is the new one better? Distant fields may look greener but there is nothing like the green green grass of home. 

We often think that what we have now is not as good as what others have. But once we get what others have, there is no guarantee that it will be better than what we have now. This is the situation which everyone may find himself in. 

True the new can be better than the present or the old. But before we give up the old, let us learn to better appreciate the old before we plunge for the new. 

This applies to the religion and culture we are born into. Many cast disdain on the culture or religion they are in without even knowing more and decide that the religion that others offer is better or at least has more to offer. Distant fields may look greener but there is nothing like the green green grass of home. 

The next time we think that the religion of our forefathers is not good, think twice. Are we saying that our forefathers are backward, ignorant and ill bred? Surely not. There is more to it than meet the eyes. 

The new may be better but make sure we know the old better before we make our judgement. Please judge not lest we be judged. 

For example, do not be taken aback when others think that our forefathers are idol worshipers for those who claim they do not idol worship may well be idolising God and saints without knowing the Word and they forget that the Word is God. 

God is present in all religions. This the lord saint Lord Bo Tien reiterated. Even in a Chinese cultural temple, do we find God and the Word of God. The Living Life Series is testimony to this. 

All religions are one in God and God is one in all religions. Know the Word, and we will know God and saints. This is the truth we must know. Thus did the lord saint, Lord Bo Tien say.

Know the Word and we will know all religions and why they are same and yet different, so that more can know The Word and God, for the Word is God. 

It may be not fruitful to be changing religion or sect just because others tell us to do so. Don't judge a book by the cover. Don't be swayed by the worldly appeal of men who likes to oversell. Human appeal alone should ideally not be the push and pull factor. That might well be somewhat shallow as such.

We may end up uprooting ourselves and have to grow new roots. This may also become a fad and fad does change in cyclical fashion. We should not change religion like changing fashion and clothes.

Better to know and fathom more the Word in the culture or religion you are in. Compare this with the very same Word in other religions and cultures, albeit presented in different perspectives and ways. 

That way we will know more and be closer to God and saints. Then we may realize that distant fields may look greener but there is nothing like the green green grass of home. 

But perhaps, we may need to change religion or sect after all. Then our choice would be that more well deliberated, more in depth and will be based on an informed decision and due to a better calling as such. 

It would be truly a call of God through His Word presented in the format that best fit our spirit or soul. Praise God and saints. May God bless us.

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