Go not for the God and saint in man or the man in God and saint. Do not see the man in God and saint or the God and saint in man. Man is man and God is God though man has the image of God. Man must be a bit more like God but God cannot be a bit more like man. When man conceives God to be like man, that is where the problem lies. No God in man and man in God, then there will be no divisiveness amongst men in the name of God and saints. Then there will be no cult or man worship in the name of God and saints.
Understanding Bo Tien Mission through short notes and explanations - another inner truth netizen 2 initiative. The Mission is to show the way to hope, inner peace and salvation for all beings. The purpose is to save souls. This series 2 was launched on 14th Feb 2012.

The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord (武天) Bo Tien. The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affliliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
No God in man or man in God
Learning Point No 110
Go not for the God and saint in man or the man in God and saint. Do not see the man in God and saint or the God and saint in man. Man is man and God is God though man has the image of God. Man must be a bit more like God but God cannot be a bit more like man. When man conceives God to be like man, that is where the problem lies. No God in man and man in God, then there will be no divisiveness amongst men in the name of God and saints. Then there will be no cult or man worship in the name of God and saints.
Go not for the God and saint in man or the man in God and saint. Do not see the man in God and saint or the God and saint in man. Man is man and God is God though man has the image of God. Man must be a bit more like God but God cannot be a bit more like man. When man conceives God to be like man, that is where the problem lies. No God in man and man in God, then there will be no divisiveness amongst men in the name of God and saints. Then there will be no cult or man worship in the name of God and saints.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
The human obstacle in a temple or church
Learning Point No 109
A temple and church like any temple of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien has to undergo a third obstacle in its development after undergoing baptism of water and fire. This third obstacle is the human obstacle. This is the time to put into effect spiritual principles and make them come to life. But unfortunately, many people at such temples have not done so and resort to non spiritual recourse as they are not spiritually focused like their predecessors and pioneer elders. Failure to survive the baptism of human problems will result in such temples or churches becoming temples or churches of man rather than of God and saints of God. Adherents will end up worshipping man and the fancies and mission of man rather than God and the mission of Heaven. There will be ugly portrayal of God as money hungry as though like many men, God and saints need money and are attention hungry. But God and saints do not need to be fawned at and the currency of Heaven is not money but divine vibrations or otherwise known to us as the good or godliness in men or beings that meant so much to God and saints. Amen and sadhu. Peace be -- peace be
A temple and church like any temple of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien has to undergo a third obstacle in its development after undergoing baptism of water and fire. This third obstacle is the human obstacle. This is the time to put into effect spiritual principles and make them come to life. But unfortunately, many people at such temples have not done so and resort to non spiritual recourse as they are not spiritually focused like their predecessors and pioneer elders. Failure to survive the baptism of human problems will result in such temples or churches becoming temples or churches of man rather than of God and saints of God. Adherents will end up worshipping man and the fancies and mission of man rather than God and the mission of Heaven. There will be ugly portrayal of God as money hungry as though like many men, God and saints need money and are attention hungry. But God and saints do not need to be fawned at and the currency of Heaven is not money but divine vibrations or otherwise known to us as the good or godliness in men or beings that meant so much to God and saints. Amen and sadhu. Peace be -- peace be
A Godly reminder
Learning Point No 108
A heavenly saint of a temple, sect or church will let all learn that they must put into practice spiritual principles propounded by the saint so as to resolve problems and issues. These will with the blessings of the saint be no issue if they are small issues and if big issues, then at least they will become small issues. All issues be they big or small will be no issues. Taking matters into own hands and resorting to human ways will not be ideal and will often only create more problems and issues. Many are pitifully lacking in spiritual grounding and have forgotten that the ways and fancies of men are not the ways of God and saints. That is why disharmony, bigotry, terrorism and holy wars will fester. There is no place for bigotry and many saints do not confine to just one religion or sect. Ji Gong Posat and Lord Bo Tien are exemplary. To be God-worthy, all should cultivate spiritual life and develop insight otherwise those involved in the thick and thin of matters will be spiritually bankrupt and lost.
A heavenly saint of a temple, sect or church will let all learn that they must put into practice spiritual principles propounded by the saint so as to resolve problems and issues. These will with the blessings of the saint be no issue if they are small issues and if big issues, then at least they will become small issues. All issues be they big or small will be no issues. Taking matters into own hands and resorting to human ways will not be ideal and will often only create more problems and issues. Many are pitifully lacking in spiritual grounding and have forgotten that the ways and fancies of men are not the ways of God and saints. That is why disharmony, bigotry, terrorism and holy wars will fester. There is no place for bigotry and many saints do not confine to just one religion or sect. Ji Gong Posat and Lord Bo Tien are exemplary. To be God-worthy, all should cultivate spiritual life and develop insight otherwise those involved in the thick and thin of matters will be spiritually bankrupt and lost.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Man is man and God is God.
Learning Point No 107
Do not muddle up the wish of man as the wish of God or his saint. This will not happen if man does not try to act for God (and saint) and speak up for God (and saint). God or saint does not need man to act on his behalf. Man is man and God is God. This any saint like the lord saint Lord Bo Tien does want us to know.
Do not muddle up the wish of man as the wish of God or his saint. This will not happen if man does not try to act for God (and saint) and speak up for God (and saint). God or saint does not need man to act on his behalf. Man is man and God is God. This any saint like the lord saint Lord Bo Tien does want us to know.
Monday, July 16, 2012
God unlike many men does not need praise
Learning Point No 106
Why must God need praise? Praise is to show appreciation and benefits the person who does the praising and not God. God does not need praise but man must show gratitude for divine blessings but there are many ways to do so. Be a good person worthy of God --- be God worthy. That will be best. Only insecure men need recognition and praise, not God and saints. It is wrong to conceive of a praise hungry God. Man may be praise hungry but the enlightened man is not. God is not man and it is sinful for man to perceive God as man needing praise and rewards as though God is insecure and needs praises and material gains. Be mindful that any material gain initiative is for mundane temple management and not the wish of God. It is praiseworthy if carried out in the correct approach.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Serving wealth or God
Learning Point No 105
Extract from Insight into the simplicity that Ji Gong wants us to know
Lord Gautama Buddha had all the wealth he wanted as Prince Siddharta but had no peace of heart. He followed the tradition of the holy men by giving up not just wealth but even food. He went hungry and was too sick. He realised that worldly subsistence is necessary. If not excessive but optimum it would facilitate enlightenment.
If we go for wealth at all cost, we would be blind to God and if we have no wealth and are in depths of ultra poverty, we too would not see the need for God. Thus the judicious balance approach is best.
We cannot serve wealth and God simultaneously but we cannot deny life and the need for the trappings of life so long as we are humans. Money is only a means and only one of the means to the end but not the end in itself. The end is to save our souls to be enlightened and be with God and the pure ones.
Extract from Insight into the simplicity that Ji Gong wants us to know
Matthew 19:23-24 “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”
We cannot worship money and at same time worship God. But we cannot also live without money in this world and be an ascetic. Such denial of money world will not do even for the devout and religiously inclined. But living the excessive princely life, going for money at all cost is an indulgence or excess that that will give us no peace and make us far from the kingdom of God and saints. We must be atop and balance the yin and yang of life, like the feet of the seated image of Lord Bo Tien or like symbolised by the Ba gua.
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Ba Gua |
Lord Gautama Buddha had all the wealth he wanted as Prince Siddharta but had no peace of heart. He followed the tradition of the holy men by giving up not just wealth but even food. He went hungry and was too sick. He realised that worldly subsistence is necessary. If not excessive but optimum it would facilitate enlightenment.
If we go for wealth at all cost, we would be blind to God and if we have no wealth and are in depths of ultra poverty, we too would not see the need for God. Thus the judicious balance approach is best.
We cannot serve wealth and God simultaneously but we cannot deny life and the need for the trappings of life so long as we are humans. Money is only a means and only one of the means to the end but not the end in itself. The end is to save our souls to be enlightened and be with God and the pure ones.
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