
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord (武天) Bo Tien. The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affliliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Others' beliefs promote insight on your own

Learning Point No 333

Know the views of others that differ from yours and you will know your own views better. Whether you change your views or not is another issue. 

Even if you don't and you hold to the belief that your views are right, by knowing the views of others and why they are different from yours and what makes them have such views will enable you know your views even better. 

In short, you will gain insight of sorts. But this is not a once-off process but a continual learning process. 

In time, you will wonder how you come to know more and that what you believed years ago is the same and yet different from what you know now. 

This whole preceding discussion applies to any belief, be it related to the mundane or spiritual. Let us dwell on spiritual applications 

To know your own religion or saint better, you must know other religions and saints better. 

Initially, you may start with perspective that your religion or saint is miles apart from other religions or saints. 

But with knowing better the other religions and saints, you will in time understand your own saint and religion better. 

You will realize that what are different are in fact the same. It is as though they belong to different points of a circle. It is the same circle after all. 

All hail from the same Divinity or God. 

God and the Saints of religions

Even in a temple or church, members may hold different views on how to run it and what should be the mission or emphasis. 

Do not run down the views of others and say yours are correct but try to understand and know their views and why they stick to them. 

Learn how to accept their views and yet not agree if you cannot agree. 

That way you may learn to understand your own views better and how to marry your views with that of others. That is the challenge. 

The way of course is to know others views better and in process gain more insight on your own. 

Others' beliefs can promote insight on your own and enable you to make your beliefs more whole, more complete and more inclusive. This will take time and requires magnanimity, patience and tolerance. 

Any Bo Tien mission-related temple is a role model that this is the way to go and knowing others views promote insight on your own. That way there will be harmony and oneness even in diversity of views - oneness of yin and yang as in Bagua.

The Bagua shrine floor at Bo Tien
mission-related temple at Singapore
echoes the harmony of yin and yang,
the very diversity of views
that seem conflicting and yet is one.

Knowing more of the other views
will promote insight on your own.

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